7 Jun 16
Both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund urged Uganda to increase spending on public infrastructure while also ensuring more projects are delivered on time and to budget.
6 Jun 16
Improving the performance of finance ministries around the world was the topic of a roundtable discussion at the UK’s Treasury.
6 Jun 16
International efforts are underway to develop and strengthen Professional Accountancy Organizations and public sector finance training
3 Jun 16
Securing debt and sanctions relief will be critical to Sudan’s continued recovery as growth remains constrained despite successful policies, the International Monetary Fund has said.
3 Jun 16
Brazil’s economy has declined for the fifth consecutive quarter in what the finance ministry described as one of the deepest recessions in the country’s history.
2 Jun 16
South Sudan will fall into even deeper economic crisis, resulting in further suffering for its people and threatening the already fragile peace process, without a change in policy and support from...
27 May 16
The International Monetary Fund is to monitor and support the Somali government as it works to implement an economic reform programme – a significant milestone for the African country as it rebuilds...
26 May 16
Japanese economists and experts have urged G7 governments to take the lead on ending tax havens as the countries’ leaders convene in Japan today.
26 May 16
European Union finance ministers yesterday failed to agree on rules to crack down on tax avoidance by multinational companies.
25 May 16
Greece’s European creditors have agreed to release €10.3bn in bailout cash and some debt relief for the country following a tense, 11-hour Eurogroup meeting in Brussels yesterday.
24 May 16
The European Union’s €28bn effort to shift freight from road to rail has failed, with the amount of freight carried by train actually decreasing since 2011, according to the European Court of...
24 May 16
The International Monetary Fund has called for “unconditional” debt relief for Greece and said the current fiscal targets imposed on the country by the Eurogroup are unrealistic.
23 May 16
New Zealand’s Local Government Funding Agency has shown how local authorities can come together to lower borrowing costs and achieve an increased profile with central government
23 May 16
There is improved awareness of the contribution public financial management makes to good governance and facing down corruption. However, accrual-based information must be deployed
20 May 16
Iraq has reached a $5.4bn bailout deal with International Monetary Fund staff to help the country plug a deep hole in its budget carved out by the conflict with ISIS and tumbling oil prices.
19 May 16
CIPFA International chair Ian Ball has stressed the importance of good public financial management to improved service delivery and robust governance.
19 May 16
Ukraine has secured initial approval for the release of $1.7bn worth of long-awaited bailout funds from the International Monetary Fund in July.
19 May 16
The European Commission has deferred its decision on disciplinary action regarding Spain and Portugal’s stubborn “excessive” deficits until early July.
18 May 16
Digital payments to emergency workers saved time and more than $10m in costs during the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone, a United Nations-backed initiative has found.
17 May 16
With the lifting of international sanctions, there are many potential benefits for Iran’s economy. However, the country’s leaders also face new fiscal challenges in the years ahead
17 May 16
Procurement specialists have gathered in Kazakhstan this week to share best practice on how to ensure integrity and transparency in public procurement.
17 May 16
Poland’s plan to lower the retirement age is a “step in the wrong direction” and the government should reconsider, according to the International Monetary Fund.
17 May 16
The deputy head of the International Monetary Fund has warned Iran on the economic consequences of domestic monopolies and conflicts of interest across companies and banks.
16 May 16
Tanzania has slashed 10,000 “ghost workers” from its public sector payroll, saving government coffers more than $2m a month.
16 May 16
Moody's has downgraded Saudi Arabia’s credit rating as the oil price slump hits the kingdom’s public finances.