The OECD Development Centre helps decision makers find policy solutions to stimulate growth and improve living conditions in developing and emerging economies.
Ghana, which has the second largest economy in West Africa, has experienced solid growth over the last three decades.
According to the OECD’s latest African economic outlook growth prospects remain positive, with a gross domestic product projected to increase by 3.9% in 2015.
The OECD said Ghana’s entry into the OECD Development Centre marked a significant stride in support of the country’s growth and development strategy.
Development Centre director Mario Pezzini strongly welcomed Ghana’s entry as “a valuable opportunity for mutually beneficial knowledge-sharing”.
He said: “Ghana’s participation in the centre’s activities will advance our strong ongoing engagement and partnerships with Africa.”
Pierre Duquesne, OECD governing board chair and ambassador of France to the OECD, said: “Ghana’s strong democratic tradition, its development experience, its poverty reduction track-record as well as its leadership at the sub-regional level will enrich significantly our debates and work on development for the implementation of Sustainable Development Objectives.”
Ghana president John Mahama said the country stood to benefit from experiences of other member states as it looked to move up from lower middle-income to a middle-income status.
“As president, my satisfaction is the opportunity the centre offers to share experiences with member states and seek solutions to common problems towards the promotion of growth and development,” Mahama said.
He added that Ghana would benefit from learning from the experience of other nations such as Côte d’Ivoire, Kazakhstan and Peru.