7 Nov 24
Sweden’s success in boosting productivity while cutting public debt could serve as a template for other European nations, according to a leading economist.
4 Oct 24
Gulf nations face calls from the International Monetary Fund to protect their economies by accelerating non-oil reform, cutting energy subsidies and attracting foreign investment.
4 Oct 24
The United Nations has launched a $426m humanitarian aid appeal for Lebanon following Israeli airstrikes.
4 Oct 24
A €5bn fund aimed at curbing migration from Africa to Europe has been criticised by auditors for lacking focus, exaggerating achievements and failing to address risks to human rights.
9 Jul 24
Secretary-general warns quarter of young people not in education
9 Jul 24
The European Commission has launched a finance hub to try to attract €650bn to help 112 cities reach net zero by 2030.
4 Jun 24
The countries most at risk from the climate emergency face debt obligations that have reached their highest level in over three decades.
14 May 24
Regular payments to Ukraine can now begin to flow from the European Union, with most money set to shore up the government’s budget as the country tries to recover from the Russian invasion.
7 May 24
Affordable actions to change the global agrifood sector could see a dramatic drop in the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, a World Bank study has suggested.
2 May 24
Regional instability is disaster for 17 million people and economy, mission warns
30 Apr 24
Mineral revenues will fund development in Mongolia for years to come and allow citizens to share in the wealth, officials have said after lawmakers approved the creation of new public funds.
30 Apr 24
Multiple deaths and $13.6bn cost of offences highlighted as campaigners demand action
23 Apr 24
Vietnam could cement economic growth for the long term through infrastructure projects, the World Bank has said, as the country’s productivity begins a rebound from its sluggish 2023.
20 Mar 24
Finland respectfully celebrates seventh Happiest Country win, UN urges income to be lower policy priority
19 Mar 24
Public spending on education in Laos has halved in the past decade, leading to the World Bank calling for an urgent uplift to avoid permanent damage to the country’s development and its young people’...
8 Mar 24
Chatham House urges international community to step up after police force resignations
8 Mar 24
Earthquakes and restrictions caused serious damage, ‘Taliban’ government calls for talks
5 Mar 24
Closing the gender gap in the workplace could encourage more women into work and provide a 20% boost to global GDP, the World Bank has said.
5 Mar 24
Adopting reforms to reduce Iraq’s reliance on oil revenue and improving financial management will be key to prevent debt rising, the International Monetary Fund has said.
1 Mar 24
The UN has called on governments to invest in equality to get a return on a range of issues from reduced violence to climate change.
23 Feb 24
Ukraine’s strong performance on economic reforms despite the ongoing war has prompted the International Monetary to move towards releasing $880m of concessional support.
22 Feb 24
Opening accession talks represents a “historic” moment for Indonesia, the OECD said as the country seeks to become an advanced economy by 2045.
20 Feb 24
High lending to nations with low credit ratings could leave the African Export-Import Bank exposed to risks such as debt restructuring, contributing to ratings agency Moody’s lowering its credit...
20 Feb 24
Concessional loan support will finance projects to improve resilience against climate change such as those that reduce vulnerability to flooding and coastal erosion, the International Monetary Fund...
15 Feb 24
The reconstruction and recovery of Ukraine is expected to cost close to $500bn, experts have warned – much higher than an initial estimate made last year.