19 Jan 24
Could San Francisco be facing a ‘doom loop’ of its own making? And what are the lessons for other cities? PF investigates.
7 Nov 23
The Middle East conflict is again setting the global agenda. But post-oil economies are changing the region, too.
20 Oct 23
We publish an edited excerpt from The Paradox of Debt – a New Path to Prosperity Without Crisis by Richard Vague.
30 May 23
Nigeria's elections didn't follow the script. Do they represent the end of business as usual?
6 Dec 22
World leaders are spending on a scale not seen since the 1970s to avert multiple crises. Is it a new era of ‘big government’ – and, if so, who pays for it?
4 Nov 22
Getting more people to live healthy lifestyles is a priority for governments around the world. But slimmer waistlines aren’t good for the bottom line, as Japan is discovering. What can other...
14 Oct 22
Across the globe, democratic countries are suffering a crisis of trust in government. So does this mark an inexorable drift, or are there signs of hope that governments can turn the tide?
12 Aug 22
It is a battle that is being fought all over the world – with varying success. How can we raise our efforts to keep vehicles out of towns and cities, cutting traffic and creating cleaner air?
26 Jul 22
The global construction industry is bowing under the weight of rising material costs and supply issues – the result of multiple factors all hitting at once – and public sector projects are...
19 Jul 22
Does Russia’s invasion of Ukraine mean that governments around the world are set to spend more on defence over coming years? And, if they do, what are the implications for public spending in other...
15 Jul 22
As the war in Ukraine continues, local authorities throughout Europe face unique challenges as more than 12 million refugees seek sanctuary.
28 Jun 22
The Voting power of an ageing population means governments are making bad long-term economic decisions for short-term electoral gain.
14 Jun 22
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could speed efforts to decarbonise Western energy supplies. But how will governments recoup lost tax income from fossil fuel?
10 Jun 22
Social housing providers face a major challenge: how to use private debt to fund new homes while investing in their existing stock.
7 Jun 22
Digital technologies have opened a new front in the war against money laundering.
31 May 22
Is a hardening of governments’ approaches to money laundering anything more than cosmetic?
20 Apr 22
Many believe that the public sector could operate with far lower levels of office space. But does selling off buildings present a risk?
14 Apr 22
A shortage of workers across the global economy could pose some big challenges for governments.
12 Apr 22
Public Finance Focus examines the different approaches to land value capture being undertaken by cities in Brazil, Israel and Hong Kong.
12 Apr 22
Could the impact of Covid-19 on land prices scupper models designed to capture the uplift in values brought about by development?
5 Apr 22
Greater workforce diversity can help government organisations deliver better services. What more can be done to improve career prospects for minority groups?
15 Mar 22
Pressure is growing on central banks to bear down on global inflation – but could raising borrowing rates create more problems than it solves?
3 Mar 22
A decision to restrict personal investments by staff at the US Fed provides an ethical reminder for public sector accountants.
24 Feb 22
We are living through uncertain economic times. This week, a group of chief investment officers gathered to discuss some of the main global issues which are likely to impact their decisions in coming...
22 Feb 22
Governance structures are key to the success of commercial ventures set up by local governments around the world.