8 Jun 23
This blog highlights some of our learning from each of the sessions at a recent conference on digital financial public financial management, each of which provides an example of different ways in...
2 Jun 23
Curiosity and imagination are crucial skills for individuals and organisations alike.
25 Oct 22
Some simple guidelines could help leaders make ethical decisions that are better for everyone.
9 Aug 22
Solving the problem of disengagement among staff involves difficult – but vital – conversations with individuals.
17 Jun 22
The workplace might be evolving quickly, but our brains less so. New approaches are needed to get what you want from colleagues.
19 Aug 21
CIPFA worked with Bangladesh’s ministry of finance to bring the country’s public financial framework into the 21st century.
4 Dec 20
It is important that you are able to identify capital expenditure as there is a requirement for it to be treated differently to revenue expenditure within the accounts. Being able to distinguish...
13 Nov 20
The idea that numbers tell a story is fundamental to using data effectively. Finance professionals need to think about the story behind the numbers and ask: what is it that the numbers are trying to...
28 Oct 20
It is vital that treasury strategies consider the long- and short-term risks of borrowing decisions, and that these decisions are carefully documented. As a treasury manager you should ensure all...
16 Oct 20
In the ongoing COVID-19 crisis there have been many lessons learned about what good leadership can look like. Here are some ways you can identify your personal leadership style and adapt it to meet...
30 Sep 20
What your organisation needs from you changes over time. This means that you often have to try out new things or take on tasks that are challenging. Therefore, every individual needs to be permeable...
18 Sep 20
For a finance business partner, the ability to present information, data and insight with both precision and clarity is absolutely crucial in communicating your findings effectively.
3 Sep 20
Treasury management is as much about managing relationships as it is cash and risk. Together credibility, trust and understanding create the foundation upon which effective treasury management can be...
11 Aug 20
Accounting standards are changing all the time, and new ones are being released frequently. Here’s how to think through the impact on your organisation and prepare well using a three-stage approach.
24 Jul 20
As in any crisis, financial criminals have been making the most of COVID-19 to profit for themselves, repurposing tried and tested fraud techniques to take advantage of this current situation. As...
7 Jul 20
Saudi Arabia has begun the process of implementing Vision 2030: a plan to transform the nation into a major global economy. This programme was founded upon three key themes: a vibrant society, a...
19 Jun 20
The world of work is changing rapidly and accountants are not exempt from the effects. While it’s impossible to predict exactly what the future holds for the profession, examining broad trends can...
2 Jun 20
Treasury management is a fast-moving and ever-changing discipline. Understanding the environment that you are operating in and developing an effective strategy is essential to identifying and...
19 May 20
Find out how a finance business partner can become a trusted advisor within an organisation, and how you can adopt similar practices whatever your role.
5 May 20
With public services facing increasing demand and tightening budgets, preventative interventions can often be an easy tap to turn off in times of pressure. However, what are the risks of not...
21 Apr 20
By thinking about how to plan an internal audit, and how results are communicated, you can ensure it is effective and fit for purpose.
8 Apr 20
Organisations across the public sector are currently engaged in a massive effort to maintain their functions and outputs as they respond to the COVID-19 challenge – and they can only do this with...
30 Mar 20
There are many different methods for setting budgets, but two of the most widely used are incremental budgeting and zero-based budgeting. Here we look at the advantages and disadvantages of each, and...
11 Mar 20
Maintaining a robust strategy for investment with a framework of controls and policies to support day-to-day investment decisions is fundamental to successful treasury management. When investing...
26 Feb 20
In part two of our two-part look into ethics, we will now consider the specific ethical responsibilities of professional accountants.Part one introduced the wider topic of ethics and considered...