7 Nov 24
Sweden’s success in boosting productivity while cutting public debt could serve as a template for other European nations, according to a leading economist.
4 Oct 24
A €5bn fund aimed at curbing migration from Africa to Europe has been criticised by auditors for lacking focus, exaggerating achievements and failing to address risks to human rights.
16 Jul 24
A policy area covering more than €400bn of European Union spending is affected by too many errors, and governments at the national and union levels need to step up their efforts to stop them, the...
9 Jul 24
Secretary-general warns quarter of young people not in education
4 Jun 24
The countries most at risk from the climate emergency face debt obligations that have reached their highest level in over three decades.
16 May 24
Sub-Sahara nations making progress on deficits and development
7 May 24
Affordable actions to change the global agrifood sector could see a dramatic drop in the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, a World Bank study has suggested.
2 May 24
Regional instability is disaster for 17 million people and economy, mission warns
30 Apr 24
Mineral revenues will fund development in Mongolia for years to come and allow citizens to share in the wealth, officials have said after lawmakers approved the creation of new public funds.
30 Apr 24
Multiple deaths and $13.6bn cost of offences highlighted as campaigners demand action
20 Mar 24
Finland respectfully celebrates seventh Happiest Country win, UN urges income to be lower policy priority
15 Mar 24
Sovereign wealth funds are increasing climate change scrutiny
8 Mar 24
Chatham House urges international community to step up after police force resignations
8 Mar 24
Earthquakes and restrictions caused serious damage, ‘Taliban’ government calls for talks
1 Mar 24
The UN has called on governments to invest in equality to get a return on a range of issues from reduced violence to climate change.
13 Feb 24
Three loans will finance Colombia’s programme of social and development reforms, with policies aiming to address inequality, protect the environment and maintain peace with militant groups.
19 Jan 24
Could San Francisco be facing a ‘doom loop’ of its own making? And what are the lessons for other cities? PF investigates.
15 Dec 23
Surging interest rates pushed the cost of servicing many of the poorest countries’ debts last year to a record $443.5bn, World Bank figures have shown.
28 Nov 23
Business as usual not an option, says World Bank.
20 Nov 23
Partnerships with countries not ‘closed shop’ says FCDO.
14 Nov 23
Oman’s decision not to compete with its neighbours is paying dividends, writes international consultant Robert Ravelli.
10 Nov 23
Millions of Thai people will receive 10,000 baht (£228) from the government in a move the prime minister hopes will boost the country’s sluggish economy.
7 Nov 23
The Middle East conflict is again setting the global agenda. But post-oil economies are changing the region, too.
24 Oct 23
Reform could push Romania’s national income up by nearly three times in 30 years, and it can do so while the government continues to meet its climate targets, the World Bank has insisted.
13 Oct 23
“Understandable” frustration from the Global South because of an unfair economic system is risking progress towards a better world, the head of the World Bank has said.