Following signing ceremonies in London and Korea today, CIPFA will work start to work with leading Swiss business school the ZHAW School of Management and Law (SML) and the Korea Institute for Public Finance.
After an already successful collaboration on a research project titled the Global Public Sector Accounting Survey, CIPFA and SML’s partnership will focus on strengthening good governance and accountability in governments and public service organisations through research and education.
While the scope of this partnership will be global, CIPFA’s MoU with Korea’s Institute for Public Finance will focus on promoting strong PFM in the organisations’ respective home countries.
Speaking at the ceremony in Korea earlier today, Ian Ball, chair of CIPFA International, explained that the two institutes will share learning and best practice with hopes of improving accounting in their governments.
“We hope that both bodies can make a positive contribution to building a better society through the promotion of strong public financial management,” he said.
Meanwhile, in London, CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman described the institute’s opportunity to work with SML to “serve the public interest” as “fantastic news”.
He said: “During these increasingly uncertain times, making the best possible use of public resources is more important than ever. CIPFA and SML will seek to build the confidence and capacity of public sector accounting professionals to help the sector respond robustly to these challenges.”
Andreas Bergman, director of the department of the public sector at SML, added that he was convinced the work of both organisations will “benefit greatly” from the strategic partnership.
“We’re proud to further strengthen our partnership with CIPFA, the world’s leading accountancy body for public services, which provides the benchmark of professional qualifications for the sector,” Bergman noted.