The loan will support the implementation of the country’s national ‘Digital Tunisia 2020’ plan, which will digitalise public services such as online administration services, sectoral information services, a digital ID system and a data exchange platform.
The Tunisian government is contributing €63.4m, bringing the total cost of the project to €134.96m.
Samatar Omar Elmi, the task manager for the project at AfDB, said: “The project really illustrates how the adoption of new technologies can enhance public services delivery, improving the government’s dialogue with citizens while fostering the development of the local digital environment.”
The AfDB said the project could have “great potential” for the economy. “It provides for substantial support to trigger a strong a performing digital economy in the country that will give much-needed job opportunities to the young graduate population,” it said in a press release.
As well as digitalising services, the project will also let citizens participate in the formulation and implementation of public policies through electronic feedback.