UK Independent Commission for Aid Impact
10 Jan 20A flagship UK government programme hoped to prevent sexual violence globally is “at risk of letting survivors down” after its funding was cut drastically.
28 Feb 18An aid watchdog has called on the UK Department for International Development to do more to ensure the results of its investments in natural disaster resilience efforts are monitored thoroughly.
20 Feb 18The UK government’s approach to value for money for its foreign aid spending must get better to make a bigger difference, an aid watchdog has said.
4 Aug 17The Department for International Development has published a mixed response to a review of its work in Africa by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact.
23 Jun 17The UK’s aid watchdog has said the country’s £185m in support for Somalia last year delivered “significant achievements”.
10 Mar 17UK-funded aid projects to address irregular migration through the central Mediterranean are not yet effective, the country’s aid watchdog has warned.
7 Feb 17Two UK government aid funds worth a combined £2.3bn ($2.9bn) have come under fire today for a lack of transparency and "serious risks" around value for money.
12 Jan 17UK aid cash transfer programmes that have been excoriated in the British press have been found to deliver strong value for money and reduce poverty by the country’s aid watchdog.
9 Jan 17An NGO that uses multimedia to champion girls’ rights has lost UK aid funding after being targeted with criticism by the country's press.
16 Dec 16UK aid is falling short in its ambition to educate the poorest and most vulnerable girls, with programmes missing their original objectives and sometimes abandoning targets focused on girls...
16 Nov 16Poor communication and relationship management weakened the process of ending the UK’s traditional aid relationships with countries including India, China and South Africa, a review has found.
27 Sep 16The UK’s overseas development department has not done enough to ensure developing nations have a strong voice in the international fight against tax avoidance, according to the country’s aid watchdog...
8 Jun 16A G8 initiative to facilitate corporate investment in African agriculture has benefited big companies while smallholder farmers have lost land and money, the European Parliament has concluded.
24 May 16The UK’s development agency needs to do more to ensure value for money and sustainability in its water, sanitation and hygiene programmes, the country’s Independent Commission for Aid Impact has said...
17 May 16The UK’s Department for International Development must step up its work to tackle violence against women and girls to match the “huge” scale of the problem, the country’s Independent Commission for...
1 Apr 16The monitoring of public money used to leverage private sector investment in development could be enhanced through greater harmonisation between different actors, delegates at the Overseas...
12 Feb 16The British Academy has announced eight projects it will fund as part of its £4m anti-corruption scheme in partnership with the UK’s Department for International Development.
4 Jun 15The UK has committed £20m in new funding to help tens of thousands of vulnerable Iraqis who have been forced to flee their homes by ISIL fighting, Justine Greening, the international...
20 May 15The UK has announced a new £5m aid package to help with rescue and relief efforts in Nepal following Saturday’s earthquake, which left thousands of people dead.