12 May 21
The widespread nature of the 'informal economy' in developing countries leaves governments with fewer resources with which to support the economic recovery from Covid-19, a World Bank study has found.
16 Mar 21
Malaysia is likely to become a high-income economy between 2024 and 2028 but must ensure its development is sustainable, the World Bank has said.
23 Feb 21
Education budgets are being slashed in poorer countries as governments struggle to deal with Covid-19, a report has found.
12 Feb 21
The Rwandan economy has fallen into its first recession in more than 25 years, with the World Bank warning it risks years of gains in poverty reduction.
22 Jan 21
Indonesia will use a $500m loan from the World Bank announced this week to build its ability to financially respond to natural disasters, climate risks and health crises.
15 Dec 20
The global debt crisis is making it difficult for development banks to help countries through the pandemic, with money going to creditors rather than public services, the World Bank’s managing...
4 Dec 20
Reforms hoped to bring Lebanon back from a state of “bankruptcy” have been presented at a conference organised by the United Nations and French president Emmanuel Macron.
17 Nov 20
Improving the quality and coverage of health services targeting vulnerable people through an internationally backed project will help Laos achieve universal coverage within five years, officials have...
3 Nov 20
A new development bank is to be established to help the Ghanaian government boost specific sectors of its economy, after the country obtained a loan from the World Bank.
2 Nov 20
An additional three million people are to benefit from Brazil’s basic income scheme after the World Bank approved $1bn to expand the programme to better support people affected by the pandemic.
23 Oct 20
Public finance management reforms in the Pakistani state of Punjab have been boosted by $304m of World Bank financing as the government hopes to generate savings and create fiscal space for growth-...
13 Oct 20
The world’s poorest countries were at risk of debt crises even before Covid-19, with their debts climbing to the highest ever levels in 2019.
8 Oct 20
Extreme poverty is set to rise around the world for the first time in more than 20 years as Covid-19 continues to weigh on the global economy, the World Bank has warned.
25 Sep 20
Curbing corruption is more important than ever amid the pandemic, the World Bank has argued in a report.
8 Sep 20
Lebanon’s failure to meet the World Bank’s conditions for the financing of a dam has led to the project being cancelled, losing the country millions of dollars as it still reels from the August...
7 Aug 20
The world’s largest multilateral development banks committed $61.6bn of climate finance in 2019, a joint report has shown.
19 Jun 20
Egypt is pushing forward with plans to create a universal health insurance system to support its most vulnerable citizens, with the first phase financed by a loan from the World Bank.
12 Jun 20
People are more likely to pay tax if the social good of the public services they pay for is highlighted, which could give governments in developing countries a lifeline, a World Bank study has...
9 Jun 20
The Covid-19 pandemic is set to push the global economy into the worst recession since the end of the Second World War, according to a report from the World Bank.
2 Jun 20
Investment in education and public health will be vital for post-coronavirus recovery, the World Bank has claimed.
26 May 20
Public procurement could provide Kazakhstan with the means to restart its economy following the coronavirus pandemic, the World Bank has claimed.
7 Apr 20
Nigeria has asked for nearly $7bn from multilateral lenders to help it fight the impact of the coronavirus pandemic after its economy was hit by falling oil prices.
13 Mar 20
Could a public-private partnership programme with the World Bank offer Sri Lanka a smarter way to develop its infrastructure?
2 Mar 20
The IMF has secured enough money to wipe $334m of Somalia’s debt, bringing the beleaguered east African country one step closer to wholesale debt relief.
28 Feb 20
Urgent development efforts are needed in fragile and war-torn countries in order to step up the global fight against extreme poverty, the World Bank has said.