23 Jun 22
Comprehensive accrual accounting is required to meet a challenging economic reality, argue Ian Ball, John Crompton and Dag Detter.
17 Jun 21
Public bodies in more than half the world will undertake financial reporting on an accrual basis, according to new research.
21 Apr 20
Quality information from accruals accounting will be vital for governments when navigating the post-coronavirus recovery, argues Professor Ian Ball from Victoria University of Wellington.
3 Mar 20
A complete global transition to accrual accounting would result in better public services around the world, according to a new report.
14 Mar 19
Europe could be “pushed down the road of accruals” next year as proposals for public sector accounting standards for the EU will be brought to the European Commission, the head of the initiative has...
12 Mar 19
Countries must start using the information presented in accrual financial reports to make better policy decisions, a seminar in Washington has heard.
12 Mar 19
Governments around the world could boost their public coffers with as much as 3% of their GDP by better managing their assets and producing strong balance sheets.
19 Oct 18
Malaysia will shift to accrual accounting within the next three years as part of reforms to stop the “excesses of the past”.
17 Oct 18
Although most countries are united in the desire to shift to accrual accounting, many fail in their aim. But there are some simple ways to keep the process on track, says international public...
4 May 18
Indian Railways – one of the biggest public sector employers in the world – is starting a move to implement accruals as part of a major reform of its accounting system.
3 Apr 18
Attendees at an IPSASB roundtable in Brussels questioned the addition of accounting for natural resources as a priority for the standard setter’s work from 2019 to 2023.
22 Mar 18
The government of Zimbabwe has reaffirmed its commitment to implementing as accruals based accounting system to enhance transparency and accountability.