14 Dec 23
Historic deal beats expectations on emissions.
28 Mar 23
The Chinese government has lent out hundreds of billions of dollars in debt relief after nations it lent infrastructure loans to were unable to meet their repayments, a landmark report has said.
27 Jan 23
The economic slowdown exacerbated by high inflation could undermine hard-won progress on sustainable development goals, the United Nations has said.
9 Nov 22
Countries across the developing world will need $2trn of climate finance a year by the end of this decade to offset the damage caused by climate change and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels,...
28 Oct 22
The Egyptian government has reached an agreement on an $3bn loan from the International Monetary Fund aimed at supporting the budget and pushing forward “deep structural and governance reforms”.
2 Aug 22
Rich countries must step up the level of climate finance they allocate to developing economies after a decade-long target was missed, the OECD has said.
3 May 22
The World Bank Group has announced an upward revision to the universal measure to indicate the level of extreme poverty.
26 Apr 22
Sovereign wealth funds have become more risk averse with their investment, as they seek a safe haven for cash amid rising geopolitical tensions, according to an industry body.
4 Apr 22
Developing nations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa would be at greatest risk should inflation surges trigger stagflation in the global economy, according to ratings agency Fitch.
17 Feb 22
Low-income and developing countries must be more transparent on the level and type of loans they owe, to help with debt restructuring, according to the World Bank Group.
2 Feb 22
The Indian government is set to launch its first sovereign green bond as part of its 2022-23 budget, to help finance public sector projects geared at reducing reliance on carbon-intensive industries...
28 Jan 22
The military coup and ongoing disruption from the omicron variant of Covid-19 will see Myanmar’s economy remain weak in 2022, according to the World Bank Group.
20 Jan 22
A new portal launched by the OECD seeks to provide transparency over which of its development aid services are exempt from taxes, to avoid potential disputes.
7 Dec 21
Managing debt levels and drawing in new finance will be key to funding Africa’s recovery from Covid-19, according to experts.
6 Dec 21
Emerging nations seeking to restructure domestic debt will need to carefully consider the impact on their economies, according to the International Monetary Fund.
8 Nov 21
Increased carbon taxes are likely to have a bigger long-term economic impact on countries which are heavily reliant on carbon-intensive energy, according to ratings agency S&P.
8 Oct 21
The National Bank of Poland has caught economists off guard by raising interest rates to stave off inflation risks.
30 Sep 21
More than 75% of Venezuelans now live in extreme poverty, fuelled by the nation’s economic crisis, a study has claimed.
29 Sep 21
The Indonesia government is set to spend $190bn next year, as the nation aims to gradually reduce its deficit to 3% of GDP.
22 Sep 21
The Nigerian government received 33% more income from a eurobond than previously expected, which it described as an “excellent outcome”.
21 Sep 21
Economic recoveries from Covid-19 slowed in advanced economies over the past three months, as employment and supply chain issues caused uneven global growth, according to the OECD.
20 Sep 21
Argentina's leader Alberto Fernandez has called for unity in the South American country, as it attempts to recover from a financial crisis exacerbated by Covid-19.
27 Aug 21
The Nigerian government spent more than 90% of its revenues in the first half of this year on servicing debts, according to the nation’s budget office.
19 Aug 21
The Kuwaiti Cabinet has ordered all government departments to reduce spending by at least 10% this financial year, to reduce the national deficit.
18 Aug 21
Increased debt in many economies resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic may lead to increased financial risks in the future, according to ratings agency Fitch.