2 Oct 23
Forecast budget surpluses and a steady decrease in government debt were key contributors to an upgrade in Cyprus’s credit rating, Moody’s has said while announcing the change.
18 Aug 23
Recent global developments will have a “lasting impact” on growth in major economies, with potential GDP growth not catching up with its pre-pandemic trend any time soon, experts have warned.
18 May 23
Social reforms and governance change need to continue in the Middle East, says the World Bank.
14 Apr 23
Economic disruption caused by Russia’s invasion saw the Ukrainian economy contract by almost 30% last year, the nation’s statistics agency has revealed.
2 Dec 22
The recovery of tax income last year could be eroded by the rising inflation and the risk of a global recession next year, economists at the OECD have warned.
25 Oct 22
European policymakers face tough decisions between supporting households and reducing inflation as weakened growth and price rises create a “toxic mix”, economists at the International Monetary Fund...
13 Sep 22
The German government must meet NATO’s military spending target of 2% of GDP over the long term or risk its €100bn defence fund being spent “in vain”, the nation’s defence minister has said.
28 Jul 22
The US Federal Reserve has said interest rates could go up more slowly from now on, having just approved two 0.75 percentage point hikes in as many meetings in response to rampant inflation.
25 Jul 22
The dual impact of Covid-19 and last year’s military coup in Myanmar has reversed a decade of poverty reduction and pushed more people into destitution, World Bank economists have said.
9 May 22
The Irish government’s track record of low debt and budgetary surpluses is a key contributor to an increase in the nation’s credit rating announced today, according to ratings agency Moody’s.
21 Apr 22
New Zealand’s strong resilience through Covid-19 means the nation is poised for continued growth in the coming years, according to ratings agency Moody’s.
13 Apr 22
Global economic growth will slow to less than 3% in 2022, due to supply chain constraints stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to the World Trade Organisation.
1 Apr 22
Economic sanctions on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine could wipe 10% off the nation's GDP this year, according to a multilateral development bank.
15 Mar 22
Ukraine’s GDP could contract by as much as 35% this year, following last month’s Russian invasion, according to the International Monetary Fund.
23 Feb 22
The UK government could fund its ‘levelling up’ ambitions by raising taxes on high income earners without increasing the national deficit, according to the International Monetary Fund.
16 Feb 22
Japan’s GDP increased by 1.7% in 2021, as the nation continued to recover from a recession exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
28 Jan 22
The military coup and ongoing disruption from the omicron variant of Covid-19 will see Myanmar’s economy remain weak in 2022, according to the World Bank Group.
17 Jan 22
The Japanese government still officially aims to reach a balanced budget by 2025, despite the emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid-19.
13 Jan 22
The Rwandan economy recovered strongly in 2021, after Covid-19 saw the nation drop into its first recession in more than two decades, according to the International Monetary Fund.
10 Jan 22
Malaysia needs to accelerate efforts to improve revenue generation, to help provide more fiscal space for public spending and debt interest costs, according to the World Bank Group.
6 Dec 21
The level of financial support for businesses and households through Covid-19 reduced the impact of lost tax income compared with the 2008 financial crisis, according to the OECD.
30 Nov 21
Belgium’s high debt levels compared with peers is a key constraint on the nation’s credit, according to ratings agency Moody’s.
26 Nov 21
Quebec has nearly halved its deficit forecast this year, as the province has recorded an “extraordinary recovery” from Covid-19, according to its finance ministry.
23 Nov 21
Is the world’s obsession with gross domestic product the biggest barrier to achieving net zero?
15 Nov 21
Bhutan’s adoption of an index measuring gross national happiness has helped guide the country’s response to Covid-19.