29 Sep 23
Morocco is set to receive a $1.3bn loan from the International Monetary Fund to help resilience against climate change and natural disasters, just weeks after it was hit by a devastating earthquake.
28 Feb 23
Earthquakes that devastated Turkey caused at least $34bn of damage to infrastructure, and billions more might be needed for the country to fully recover, the World Bank has said.
21 Feb 23
The US government has pledged to send $100m of additional aid to Turkey, after the country was hit by devastating earthquakes.
9 Jan 23
The Pakistani government has revealed it will need around $8bn to help rebuild the country following a summer of devastating floods.
22 Nov 22
Countries that suffer from climate change related natural disasters will be able to benefit from “loss and damage” funding after the COP27 conference agreed to set up a new global support mechanism.
1 Nov 21
Emerging economies need greater access to financial assistance to help prepare for natural disasters brought on by climate change, according to the OECD.
22 Jul 21
The German government has allocated an initial €200m to help with immediate assistance to regions affected by recent floods.
22 Jan 21
Indonesia will use a $500m loan from the World Bank announced this week to build its ability to financially respond to natural disasters, climate risks and health crises.
8 Dec 20
Devastating typhoons that hit the Philippines as it fought Covid-19 show the importance of preparing for natural disaster risks and climate change adaptation during the recovery, the World Bank has...
5 Aug 19
The Asian Development Bank has set up a new financing mechanism to provide countries with money quickly following natural disasters.
2 Jul 19
Indonesia’s economy has been praised by the World Bank for shaking off unusually damaging natural disasters and global volatility.
21 Jun 19
Low- and middle-income countries could save a staggering $4.2trn by ensuring infrastructure is more resilient to natural disasters.
30 Nov 18
Some form of relief scheme is needed for smaller states that have suffered natural disasters to get debt down to a sustainable level, suggests Jubilee Debt Campaign’s Tim Jones.
26 Sep 18
The Jamaican finance ministry is drafting a new public financial management policy to respond to natural disasters, the finance and public service minister has confirmed.
17 Jul 18
Pakistan’s plans to deal with natural disasters are being reinforced by the Swiss Embassy in the country and the Asian Development Bank.
17 Apr 18
The UK government has pledged £23.5m to help Asian regions better forecast natural disasters, the Department for International Development announced yesterday.
7 Aug 17
The World Bank has issued Mexico with catastrophe bonds worth $360m to protect in against financial losses from earthquakes and tropical cyclones.
28 Apr 17
New Zealand plans to cut its net public debt to as low as 10% of GDP by 2025, finance minister Steven Joyce has announced.
7 Mar 17
The United Nations has called for $2.7bn to support the recovery of Haiti, which suffered widespread damage during Hurricane Matthew six months ago.
24 Jan 17
The International Monetary Fund is expecting growth to rebound in Nepal this year and has added more than one percentage point to its prediction for the country in 2015/16.
19 Aug 16
The United Nations has made its first public admission of blame for its role in a cholera outbreak that took hold in Haiti following the catastrophic earthquake in 2010, and has since killed around...
21 Apr 16
Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa has announced one-off taxes, asset sales and potential new bond issuances to help pay for the recovery bill from last Saturday’s 7.8 magnitude earthquake.
3 Mar 16
Australia could see its annual disaster bill almost quadruple by 2050, to an average of AU$33bn, as population density and the severity and frequency of disasters increases.
24 Feb 16
The UK’s Department for International Development has announced a partnership with a global mobile operators organisation, which will see mobile technology used to provide life-enhancing services to...
28 Jan 16
The United Nations has appealed for $393m to fund the work of humanitarian agencies in Afghanistan, but warned the reduction in funds compared to 2015 meant action would be limited to the “most...