8 Dec 23
Continued growth in oil revenues could help maintain Oman’s budget surplus and bring down debt, and has contributed to a credit rating upgrade by Moody’s.
18 May 23
Social reforms and governance change need to continue in the Middle East, says the World Bank.
4 Nov 22
Surging oil and natural gas revenues will help push Qatar’s budget into surplus this year and over the medium term, meaning a credit rating upgrade is increasingly likely, ratings agency Moody’s has...
24 Oct 22
The energy crisis has hit progress by Nigeria on turning its finances around, according to a ratings agency.
15 Aug 22
High oil revenues will give Oman two years of budget surpluses, pushing its debt below many of its peers, and continuing reform efforts look set to keep its public finances on solid ground, ratings...
1 Oct 21
The Saudi Arabian government has forecast a budget surplus from 2023, as recovering oil prices has seen revenues rise.
27 Apr 21
Post-pandemic optimism for Norway’s economy should be tempered by longer-term risks such as an oil revenue slowdown and its ageing population, International Monetary Fund economists have said.