9 Oct 20
Richer countries need to increase public investment to revive the global economy from its worst crash in recent times, the IMF has said.
15 May 18
The German government should work to reduce its high trade surplus by increasing public investment, the International Monetary Fund has advised.
4 Oct 17
Albania needs to collect more taxes and strengthen its public investment management, despite the economy’s continued recovery, the IMF has said.
17 Feb 17
Growth in West Africa is at risk due to governments continually shelving plans to cut spending and raise taxes, the International Monetary Fund has warned.
1 Sep 16
The International Monetary Fund has hinted today that another downgrade in global growth projections could be on the cards when it publishes its next economic outlook in October.
1 Jun 16
The global economy is stuck in a “low-growth trap”, the OECD has warned, urging policymakers to act before they are forced to fall short on their promises made to entire generations of people.
9 May 16
Germany should step up its public and private investment to meet infrastructure needs and reduce the country’s large account surplus, the International Monetary Fund has said.
26 Feb 16
The Asian Development Bank president has urged Nepal to pick up the pace of its public investment in reconstruction and development in order to reach its full growth potential.