31 May 16
The delivery of health and education services in Tanzania has improved significantly, particularly in the areas of rural health infrastructure and teacher attendance, according to data from the World...
23 May 16
The world’s first ever World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) opened in Istanbul today, and will attempt to find ways to relieve the unprecedented strain the global humanitarian system is under.
18 May 16
A United Nations expert has slammed the European Union for “abandoning” Greece and treating human rights for migrants and refugees as “dispensible”.
12 May 16
Kenya has announced it plans to close the world’s largest refugee camp and send hundreds of thousands of its residents back to war-torn Somalia.
9 May 16
Germany should step up its public and private investment to meet infrastructure needs and reduce the country’s large account surplus, the International Monetary Fund has said.
6 May 16
American development agency USAID has delivered $37m worth of food aid to the World Food Programme in Sudan.
6 May 16
World leaders must make sure the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) is successful and take the bold decisions needed to bring about change in the Middle East, United Nations humanitarian officials have...
5 May 16
An $81m funding shortfall for the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency is playing with the fate of millions in need across the Middle East, secretary general Ban Ki-Moon has warned.
6 Apr 16
The European Commission has announced a €100m development package to address the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement in Sudan.
5 Apr 16
Germany may be a bright spot in the otherwise weak global recovery but challenges, in particular the effective integration of refugees, nevertheless lie ahead, according to the OECD.
4 Apr 16
The US development agency USAID has announced almost $68m worth of additional humanitarian aid for Sudan, which has the third highest prevalence of malnutrition worldwide.
15 Mar 16
The European Commission has announced a further €445m in humanitarian aid for the Syria crisis in 2016 as part of its pledge to deliver over €3bn for the Syrian people this year.
2 Mar 16
Intensive efforts are needed to spur economic growth and opportunity in Kosovo as political turmoil hampers progress, chief of the United Nations mission in the country has warned.
26 Feb 16
The United Nations emergency fund has released $21m to deliver humanitarian aid for those affected by conflict and connected food insecurity in South Sudan.
5 Feb 16
The United Nations’ Palestinian refugee agency launched a $414m appeal for its work with Palestinian refugees affected by the conflict in Syria amidst the high-level donors’ conference in London...
1 Feb 16
Against the backdrop of tentative peace talks, donors and the humanitarian community are preparing for a major conference on the Syrian crisis later this week.
29 Jan 16
The African Development Bank is to provide a $1m emergency grant to help Burundian refugees in Rwanda.
28 Jan 16
The United Nations has appealed for $393m to fund the work of humanitarian agencies in Afghanistan, but warned the reduction in funds compared to 2015 meant action would be limited to the “most...
27 Jan 16
The Danish parliament has voted to pass controversial laws enabling the confiscation of money and valuables from asylum seekers to help pay for their stay in the country.
26 Jan 16
The United Nations refugee agency and its partners have called for more than half a billion dollars this year to help those fleeing conflicts in Nigeria and the Central African Republic.
19 Jan 16
The humanitarian community is today appealing for $1.3bn in aid for South Sudan and $885m for Somalia, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has announced.
18 Jan 16
The United Nations has warned of deteriorating conditions in Haitian refugee camps, where nearly 60,000 people still live six years after a devastating earthquake rocked the country.
15 Jan 16
The United Nations has called for coordinated regional action to address a growing refugee crisis in Central America.
13 Jan 16
The number of international migrants has grown faster than the world’s population, new United Nations statistics have revealed.
12 Jan 16
The United Nations global emergency fund has released $31m to help those affected by Boko Haram-related violence in the Lake Chad Basin.