26 Apr 22
Sovereign wealth funds have become more risk averse with their investment, as they seek a safe haven for cash amid rising geopolitical tensions, according to an industry body.
10 Nov 17
A business school and philanthropic organisation are teaming up to find ways of identifying the risk of governments becoming unwilling or unable to meet loan obligations.
21 Jun 17
Bold measures to reform Zimbabwe’s public spending are needed to lift the country out of financial crisis and sustain growth, the World Bank has said.
23 Mar 17
The OECD has urged China to address financial risks that are mounting as a result of rising corporate debt, over-capacity in certain sectors and inflated house prices.
4 Oct 16
The Asian Development Bank has become the first development bank to secure a risk transfer arrangement for its sovereign loan portfolio, increasing its lending capacity by half a billion dollars over...
14 Apr 16
Government deficits are now expected to climb above the levels observed at the beginning of the 2008-09 financial crisis, the International Monetary Fund has warned in its annual Fiscal Monitor.
18 Feb 16
Decisive action is needed to shift risks to Hungary’s economy away from the public sector and put public debt on a downward path, the International Monetary Fund has said.
9 Feb 16
The International Monetary Fund has encouraged New Zealand to tackle its “chronically low” national saving levels and heavy reliance on offshore funding.
23 Dec 15
Three global development banks have reached a risk-sharing agreement that is intended to optimise asset use and enhance development effectiveness.
19 May 15
Central American countries are now eligible to join a World Bank-backed insurance scheme that offers protection for government finances in the event of natural catastrophes such as hurricanes,...