27 Apr 23
A bill passed by the House of Representatives to lift the debt limit and cut future spending has “no chance” of becoming law, the US president’s spokesperson has said.
28 Jun 21
The Sudanese government is slashing spending on government business and spending more on social programmes, the country’s cabinet has said.
23 Feb 21
Education budgets are being slashed in poorer countries as governments struggle to deal with Covid-19, a report has found.
10 Jul 20
France must look to spending cuts rather than tax increases to help cap public debt during its economic recovery from the pandemic, the country’s central bank head has said.
12 Mar 18
Ghana should improve revenue collection and reduce spending cuts to achieve fiscal targets, the International Monetary Fund has said.
30 Jan 18
Some government employees in Argentina will not receive pay rises this year because of spending cuts, the president has said.