2 May 23
A May Day deal on pay has led to a Canadian trade union effectively ending one of the largest public sector strikes in the country’s history.
8 Jul 22
South Africa’s struggling state-owned power company Eskom has agreed it will give workers a 7% wage increase to end a pay dispute, but said the move will be “a struggle” to afford.
27 Jan 20
A hard-line trade union has called on the French government to abandon its pension reform proposals and start negotiations afresh.
13 Jan 20
A compromise on pension reform hoped to bring about the end of more than a month of strikes in France has been submitted to trade unions by the country’s prime minister.
5 Dec 19
France is experiencing its biggest national strike in decades as angry workers demonstrate about proposed pension reforms.
14 May 19
Public service workers in Lebanon have launched a series of protests to denounce proposed government austerity measures.