29 Oct 19
Despite a large rise in the number of working women in Latin America, there’s still a yawning gap between the levels of men and women active in the region’s labour market, according to a report.
31 May 17
The OECD has urged Japan to improve work prospects for young people, all of whom are needed in a job market that now has the highest ratio of openings to candidates since 1974.
3 Mar 17
Millions of dollars of aid funds are being undermined as donor efforts to stem migration from countries like Ethiopia are thwarted by the country’s labour laws, a UK think-tank has argued.
13 Jan 17
Social discontent could rise as unemployment and inequality increase in the next few years, the International Labour Organisation has warned.
12 Sep 16
The world’s first ever cross-border social impact bond was launched in Europe last week, to help unemployed Dutch people find jobs in Germany.
16 Aug 16
Public funding for skills development initiatives should be tied to the programme’s labour market outcomes, the director of strategy and operations at the human development practice in the World Bank...
10 Aug 16
The World Bank has renewed its lending criteria, ditching or diluting some standards and adding new ones in. Does this bring the bank into the 21st century or mean it has walked away from its role as...
4 Aug 16
Tackling Asia and the Pacific’s “missing middle” in social protection will be critical for the region’s inclusive growth and sustainable development, the Asian Development Bank’s vice-president has...
20 Jan 16
Living standards in Latin America will not rise unless the region tackles its “twin challenges” of inequality and low productivity, the OECD has warned.