30 Jan 18
Some government employees in Argentina will not receive pay rises this year because of spending cuts, the president has said.
29 Jan 18
The Pakistani government has introduced public sector auditing reforms to align its accounting procedures with international standards.
29 Jan 18
South Africans will have to “bear some pain” as a result of the “tough decisions” made in the budget to stabilise the country’s debt, the finance minister has said.
26 Jan 18
German chancellor Angela Merkel has said Europe should not complain when countries, like the US, change their tax systems but instead respond by reforming its own.
26 Jan 18
The government of Kenya will cut spending to lower its budget deficit to internationally accepted levels in the next five years, the Treasury has said.
25 Jan 18
The political fall out for the European Union and its members after Brexit has not yet been fully considered, says Chatham House's Christopher Smart.
25 Jan 18
The Department for International Trade is looking at both ‘deal’ and ‘no deal’ scenarios in the eight workstreams it is handling around the UK’s planned departure from the EU.
24 Jan 18
Japan has pushed back its fiscal targets and is expecting a primary budget surplus by 2027, two years later than previously projected.
24 Jan 18
The UK must remain an international leader in the fight against tax dodging as it leaves the European Union next year, an all-parliamentary group heard yesterday.
23 Jan 18
Global growth could see a short-term boost as a result of US tax policy changes attracting corporate investments, the International Monetary Fund has said.
23 Jan 18
The US Congress voted yesterday to end the three-day government shutdown, approving a short-term funding bill until 8 February.
23 Jan 18
The US shows countries are running the risk of increasing their debt to levels where they will not be able to borrow anymore, warns the University of London’s Professor Michael Ben-Gad.
22 Jan 18
A South African public health campaign group has pledged to hold the government to account for the “health crisis”.
22 Jan 18
Romania has made little progress to tackle corruption in state institutions, the Council of Europe’s anti-corruption body GRECO has said.
22 Jan 18
The US government has shutdown as Democrats and Republicans were unable to agree on a spending bill on Friday.
22 Jan 18
Sweden could become the first country to issue its own digital currency within the next few years.
19 Jan 18
The public sector should be involved in developing proposed changes to the entire system of international standard-setting for auditors, the International Federation of Accountants has told PF.
18 Jan 18
The Greek parliament has passed a number of reforms called for by international lenders in return for bailout funds.
18 Jan 18
Bulgaria’s government faces a no-confidence vote after its main opposition filed a motion over lack of progress in fighting corruption.
18 Jan 18
The European Union may remove eight countries from its tax haven blacklist after the jurisdictions offered to change their tax rules.
17 Jan 18
The South African government will offer free university education to students from poorer backgrounds, the finance minister has said.
16 Jan 18
Ten years on from the global financial upheaval, it is increasingly clear that there will never be a return to the old ‘normal’, says Chatham House’s Matthew Oxenford.
16 Jan 18
The UK could cut aid for richer developing countries that fail to “take responsibility” and do not invest in their own people, the international development secretary Penny Mordaunt has said.
15 Jan 18
Reducing the volume of road traffic deaths and injuries could bring substantial long-term financial gains for low- and middle-income countries because accidents strike hardest at those of working age.
15 Jan 18
US judge has blocked president Donald Trump’s plans to scrap a programme giving temporary immigration status to thousands, which could cost the country billions.