1 Sep 23
Afghanistan’s weak collection of non-tax income has seen revenues dip below forecasts this year, economists at the World Bank have said.
25 Aug 23
Governments shielding households and businesses from the spike in energy prices caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine meant environmentally harmful fossil fuels were subsidised at their highest ever...
25 Aug 23
Argentina will receive another $7.5bn from its $44bn programme with the International Monetary Fund, now the fund’s executive board has completed its fifth and sixth reviews of the deal.
22 Aug 23
Wartime corruption poses a threat to Ukraine’s survival and officials are working to target “truly top officials” engaging in graft, the chief of the country’s anti-corruption agency said.
22 Aug 23
High debt costs “trap” many countries in the Global South in a cycle of fossil fuel production as they try to generate enough revenue to service their borrowing, representing a barrier to phasing out...
21 Aug 23
Progressive will help move region forward
18 Aug 23
Millions of euros the European Union had planned to spend on programmes involving Russia and Belarus will now be spent with Ukraine and Moldova, in light of the ongoing war.
18 Aug 23
Recent global developments will have a “lasting impact” on growth in major economies, with potential GDP growth not catching up with its pre-pandemic trend any time soon, experts have warned.
17 Aug 23
Huge spending on social services in response to the shock of Covid-19 ensured European Union economies were disrupted as little as possible, and adapting to the new reality has provided lessons on...
15 Aug 23
The United Nations wants to lead international tax policy, amid concerns from developing countries that the OECD processes are not reflecting their needs.
15 Aug 23
Plans to reform public procurement will help to boost US supply chains and contribute to the nation’s net zero goal, the federal government has said.
11 Aug 23
Taxes on marijuana have provided modest revenue for US states since they legalised the sale of the plant for recreational use.
11 Aug 23
Rising service demand and the cost of supporting asylum seekers could leave New York City with a cumulative budget deficit of almost $40bn by 2027, the state spending watchdog has said.
9 Aug 23
A law restricting the rights of the LGBTQ+ community in Uganda undermines inclusion and has led to the World Bank suspending new loans.
8 Aug 23
Dozens of countries will see their credit ratings cut unless the world cuts greenhouse gas emissions and slows climate change, research has suggested.
8 Aug 23
The New Zealand government is set to intervene to share the costs of purchasing homes and fixing infrastructure damaged by a recent cyclone.
8 Aug 23
The Ecuadorian government is set to receive a $500m development loan from the World Bank to support climate mitigation and green economic development.
4 Aug 23
Repeated last-minute fixes to the US debt limit have hit confidence in the country’s government to such an extent that Fitch downgraded its rating, also warning of growing debt and rising deficits.
4 Aug 23
A sovereign wealth fund will ensure Lebanon’s hoped-for future oil and gas revenues get proper oversight and management, and therefore help boost economic growth and meet public spending demands, the...
4 Aug 23
A recent military coup will restrict access to finance and was a key driver in a double credit rating downgrade of Niger, Moody’s has said.
1 Aug 23
Governments will lose nearly $5trn to tax havens in the next decade if the international system remains unchanged, campaigners have warned while hailing the prospect of tax “revolution” through the...
1 Aug 23
The controversial removal of an expensive fuel subsidy has saved the Nigerian government more than 1trn naira that will fund new social spending including expanding education, president Bola Tinubu...
31 Jul 23
Argentina is set to receive a $7.5bn tranche of an International Monetary Fund bailout after pledging to raise taxes and rebuild foreign reserves.
28 Jul 23
Ratings agency acts after defence spending increase
27 Jul 23
Economic challenges for emerging countries to reach Net Zero could be solved by the West and China, says think tank