11 Aug 15
Togo’s economy will grow by 5.5% on average each year between 2015 and 2018, but attaining this will be a challenge if the country fails to implement “simple” reforms that modernise...
7 Aug 15
A round-up of recent public finance stories from the Middle East & Africa you might have missed.
7 Aug 15
Jordan is expected to use the €80m loan received from the European Commission to help pay off international debts and fix its budgetary problems.
6 Aug 15
Just over a quarter of African countries made broad progress in supporting development and poverty reduction in 2014, a World Bank review has found.
6 Aug 15
Technology development in Africa is needed in order to “radically” reduce the cost of delivering financial services and products to poor people, according to the African Development Bank.
6 Aug 15
Ghana and the UK today confirmed a deal to automatically exchange tax data on citizens by 2018, helping the west African nation clamp down on tax evaders and raise extra revenue for public services...
5 Aug 15
The United Arab Emirates’ “safe haven” status and its prudent economic policies have helped protect it against the fall in oil prices, the International Monetary Fund said.
31 Jul 15
The World Bank is to provide $700m in guarantees to Ghana to support the development of the nation’s energy sector in order to boost the country’s economic growth.
29 Jul 15
The African Development Bank is to provide a $112m loan to Morocco to support reforms for government investment and procurement.
28 Jul 15
Sierra Leone is developing plans, backed by international donors, to improve the quality of it public financial management as part of efforts to strengthen local governance and enhance budget...
27 Jul 15
British government minister Grant Shapps has told the Somali people that the UK will increase its humanitarian and development support to Somalia.
24 Jul 15
A round-up of recent public finance stories from the Middle East & Africa you might have missed.
22 Jul 15
The BRICS group of emerging economies launched their own development bank in Shanghai yesterday to boost funding for infrastructure and development across the five countries.
20 Jul 15
Developing capacity for better government accounting: a panel debate recorded at the CIPFA International Seminar in London on 7 July 2015:
17 Jul 15
A round-up of recent public finance stories from the Middle East & Africa you might have missed.
17 Jul 15
Social policies in South Africa have successfully lifted millions out of poverty and widened access to services like water, electricity and sanitation, but more needs to be done to raise tax revenues...
15 Jul 15
World Trade Organisation director general Roberto Azevêdo called on development partners to continue working together to close major trade finance gaps in Africa and Asia.
13 Jul 15
This week’s International Conference on Financing for Development will determine the policy for aid spending until 2030. It must ensure improvements in wellbeing are the goal of both international...
10 Jul 15
The former president of Nigeria’s accounting institute has called for a strategy to ensure politicians and other decision makers can understand financial statements.
8 Jul 15
A global conference starting on Monday could agree a plan to boost aid to the world’s 48 least-developed countries. It must take the opportunity.
6 Jul 15
South Korea has launched a development programme with eight different African governments that will focus on improving local skills in order to enhance economic growth across the continent.
2 Jul 15
Sierra Leone could be at the mercy of the next disease outbreak if its government and international donors do nothing to address major health system weaknesses exposed by the Ebola outbreak,...
30 Jun 15
A new World Bank report has estimated that evasion of import duties by some of the wealthiest firms in Tunisia may have cost the economy $1.2bn over the past decade.
29 Jun 15
The huge decline in oil prices has been good for Western economies but will present oil-exporting nations in the Gulf with some significant fiscal challenges.
29 Jun 15
South Africa’s chronic power outages are threatening the country’s productivity, economic performance and competitiveness