8 Aug 16
Collaboration both within and outside of government is crucial to successfully building a smart city, the Inter-American Development Bank has stressed.
29 Jul 16
Nigeria’s ministry of works has already spent nearly a quarter of its increased budget in less than three months as part of a programme to boost capital spending, the country’s minister for power,...
25 Jul 16
The European Commission has ordered Spain to recover illegal state aid it granted to a state-owned railway operator for the construction of a high speed train testing centre.
19 Jul 16
Cambodia’s economy is projected to continue on a robust growth trajectory, but rapidly expanding credit is the biggest threat to the outlook, the International Monetary Fund said yesterday.
6 Jul 16
Citizens across Zimbabwe have “shut down” the country today in response to a call to stay at home in protest against cash shortages and corruption.
1 Jul 16
The World Bank has launched a new procurement framework today that aims to help countries make the most of their spending and enhance development through effective procurement practice.
28 Jun 16
A World Bank examination of the quality of government institutions across sub-Saharan Africa has found that progress in areas like public financial management has stalled.
20 Jun 16
Jamaica has secured the release of a further $80m from the International Monetary Fund after “exceptional” economic reforms, the IMF announced on Friday.
13 Jun 16
The European economy must address some major new challenges as well as unresolved problems in order to sustain its gradual recovery, the OECD has said.
7 Jun 16
Both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund urged Uganda to increase spending on public infrastructure while also ensuring more projects are delivered on time and to budget.
7 Jun 16
Proposals for a universal basic income were overwhelmingly rejected by Switzerland’s voters in a referendum on Sunday, with 78% saying no to the scheme.
2 Jun 16
Nigeria is due to start a long-awaited programme to clean up the country’s oil-contaminated Ogoniland region in the Niger Delta, which will cost around $1bn.
1 Jun 16
The global economy is stuck in a “low-growth trap”, the OECD has warned, urging policymakers to act before they are forced to fall short on their promises made to entire generations of people.
31 May 16
The delivery of health and education services in Tanzania has improved significantly, particularly in the areas of rural health infrastructure and teacher attendance, according to data from the World...
27 May 16
The OECD has attempted to find answers to the so-called ‘productivity puzzle’ in a report that suggests the problem could be structural rather than cyclical.
23 May 16
Greece has passed yet another round of austerity measures in the hope of securing the release of much-needed bailout funds from its creditors.
23 May 16
There is improved awareness of the contribution public financial management makes to good governance and facing down corruption. However, accrual-based information must be deployed
18 May 16
Workers across Nigeria have launched an indefinite strike today to protest government plans to increase petrol prices by up to 67%, in spite of a court ruling blocking the industrial action.
17 May 16
With the lifting of international sanctions, there are many potential benefits for Iran’s economy. However, the country’s leaders also face new fiscal challenges in the years ahead
17 May 16
Procurement specialists have gathered in Kazakhstan this week to share best practice on how to ensure integrity and transparency in public procurement.
16 May 16
Tanzania has slashed 10,000 “ghost workers” from its public sector payroll, saving government coffers more than $2m a month.
10 May 16
The commodity price slump is weighing heavily on Oman and the United Arab Emirates’ fiscal deficits, the International Monetary Fund has said.
10 May 16
CIPFA is to help strengthen the capacity of public sector accountancy in Zimbabwe, it was announced yesterday.
9 May 16
Germany should step up its public and private investment to meet infrastructure needs and reduce the country’s large account surplus, the International Monetary Fund has said.
26 Apr 16
Saudi Arabia has unveiled an ambitious plan to overhaul the country’s economy and end its “addiction to oil”.