4 Sep 15
Kuwait’s significant fiscal buffer protected its economy from the fall in oil prices and has allowed the government to press ahead with increasing public spending, according to an analysis by...
11 Aug 15
Togo’s economy will grow by 5.5% on average each year between 2015 and 2018, but attaining this will be a challenge if the country fails to implement “simple” reforms that modernise...
5 Aug 15
The World Bank has urged Pakistan to expand its tax base and strengthen governance in order to boost public services and increase economic growth, which in turn will reduce extreme poverty.
28 Jul 15
Sierra Leone is developing plans, backed by international donors, to improve the quality of it public financial management as part of efforts to strengthen local governance and enhance budget...
17 Jul 15
Social policies in South Africa have successfully lifted millions out of poverty and widened access to services like water, electricity and sanitation, but more needs to be done to raise tax revenues...
17 Jun 15
Jamaica is to receive $40m from the International Monetary Fund after a review concluded the country’s economic performance was “on track and has remained strong” but there remained...
17 Jun 15
The European Union needs to enhance the transparency offered by its institutions and member states. Being an active participant in a democracy means being an active participant in the management of...
12 Jun 15
The International Monetary Fund’s decision to walk out of negotiations between Greece and its creditors on Thursday was a warning to Athens, the German finance ministry said today.
10 Mar 15
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa underlined the importance of preparedness – those countries with plans and systems in place contained the disease relatively successfully. Judith Ugwumadu...