25 Jan 24
Pressures from rising pension commitments and higher interest costs could threaten Italy’s public finances if it does not reduce spending or raise taxes, the OECD has warned.
25 Apr 23
Stricter rules and stronger enforcement of the European Union fiscal framework would protect the bloc’s economy better than if those rules were loosened, according to Germany’s finance minister.
14 Feb 23
The European Union should avoid a further suspension to the bloc’s fiscal rules at the end of this year, a senior official has said.
10 Nov 22
New European Union fiscal rules should get rid of the current system’s complexity and allow governments more “ownership” of their spending plans, Brussels has said, also promising stronger...
12 Sep 22
European Union member countries will need to “assume ownership” of their compliance with the bloc’s fiscal rules under a new system with stronger enforcement from Brussels, the Czech finance minister...
6 Sep 22
The European Union must adopt “risk-based” fiscal rules and instruct member nations to strengthen financial institutions to reduce fiscal risks, economists at the International Monetary Fund have...
12 Nov 21
The European Union has been told it should come up with “genuine reform” for its fiscal rules ahead of their reintroduction in 2023 following the Covid-19 economic crisis.
29 Oct 21
The European Union should relax its debt expectations for member states to allow them to support the economic recovery from Covid-19, economists from the bloc’s bailout fund have said.