9 Feb 24
Procurement deal with US and a bond buy-back scheme raise profile
15 May 23
Ratings agency Moody’s has warned Kenya’s domestic funding conditions have deteriorated.
20 Dec 22
The International Monetary Fund has agreed to release $447m to the Kenyan government to help support the nation’s budget and continued progress on reforms.
10 Jun 22
The Kenyan government has shelved a proposed bond sale because surging yields will see the nation seek cheaper debt on private markets, according to reports.
11 May 22
Governments unable to maintain the economic support they put in place amid Covid-19 to help their citizens deal with rising fuel and food prices face “inevitable” civil unrest, a report has suggested.
23 Mar 22
Kenya’s shrinking tax base and high debt burden have kept Kenya’s credit rating at risk of a downgrade, according to ratings agency Fitch.
29 Jun 21
A university in Kenya has faced criticism after dismissing a senior accountant involved in an ongoing legal case concerning a former vice-chancellor.
14 Apr 21
A petition by 200,000 Kenyans is calling on the International Monetary Fund to stop lending their government money, forcing a minister to defend a $2.34bn funding deal signed on 3 April
8 Mar 21
Kenya’s credit rating has been downgraded by ratings agency Standard & Poor's, despite the country having recently agreed a deal with the International Monetary Fund aimed at reducing its debt...
16 Feb 21
Kenya is set to receive $2.4bn from the International Monetary Fund to enable its government to continue its economic response to the pandemic.
27 Feb 20
Heads of various United Nations departments have released a joint statement asking for help money to fight locust swarms in East Africa, which they say are currently at an “unprecedented” level in...
1 Nov 19
Investment in the digital economy will help enhance Kenya’s reputation as the “silicon savannah”, and narrow the rural-urban economic divide, according to World Bank economists.
3 Sep 19
The Kenyan government has been unable to claim 283bn Kenyan shillings (£2.2bn) it has demanded from high-earning taxpayers because of a huge appeals backlog caused by a judicial “vacuum”.
4 Jun 19
The IMF has continued to pile pressure on Kenyan lawmakers over interest rate controls with a damning report on the controversial cap.
14 May 19
Anti-corruption officials have arrested 75 Kenyan tax agency staff on suspicion of abetting tax evasion and bribery.
3 May 19
Kenya’s government is preparing to borrow further on international capital markets amid concerns about spiralling debts.
15 Mar 19
MPs in Kenya have questioned how a 10km wire fence on the country’s border with Somalia cost $35m.
6 Dec 18
Kenya has announced plans to provide universal access to electricity by 2022 in partnership with the World Bank.
17 Aug 18
Counties in Kenya have to make some “critical decisions” to ensure that their wage bills do not take too much money away from development projects, public finance professionals have warned.
13 Aug 18
The National Prosecution Authority in Kenya has charged two government officials with fraud over the building of a $3.2bn Chinese-funded railway line.
19 Jul 18
Kenya’s flagship Chinese-funded railway project has registered losses of $100m in its first year of operation.
22 Jun 18
The European Union is to give a total of €34m to Uganda and Kenya to help refugees being hosted in those countries.
21 Jun 18
More than 40 people accused of corruption in a $100m graft case in Kenya, including state workers, were given bail on Tuesday.
15 Jun 18
Corruption across all levels of the Kenyan government is threatening the integrity and basic function of the state, according to the country’s auditor general.
5 Jun 18
Kenyan government procurement and accounting chiefs have been told to stop working in order to take lie-detector tests in a move to root out corruption.