24 Oct 23
A minimum international tax charged on the world’s wealthiest people would raise $214bn a year, the EU Tax Observatory has said.
1 Aug 23
Governments will lose nearly $5trn to tax havens in the next decade if the international system remains unchanged, campaigners have warned while hailing the prospect of tax “revolution” through the...
15 Nov 22
Governments miss out on at least $89bn of tax every year from the world’s biggest businesses, according to researchers who have criticised the OECD’s “concession to corporate tax abuse”.
23 Jun 22
African countries continued to strengthen their efforts aimed at tackling tax evasion and other illicit financial flows last year, a report has found, but the continent continues to lose billions of...
11 Apr 22
Poland has blocked the European Union’s effort to adopt a minimum corporate tax rate agreed by 137 countries last year over concerns the move would risk making the tax system less fair.
8 Nov 21
Eliminating tax avoidance in sub-Saharan Africa’s mining sector would leave the region better able to support its population, particularly into the economic recovery from Covid-19, a top...
1 Oct 20
More than $500m of additional revenue has been secured for developing countries in the past five years through a joint OECD and United Nations tax initiative.
1 May 20
EU countries are losing around €24.5bn in corporation tax each year from US businesses shifting their profits to low-tax countries such as the UK and Switzerland, analysis by the Tax Justice Network...
10 Mar 20
Multinational companies could make a “significant contribution” to the sustainable development of many economies around the world if their profits and taxes were more transparent, according to a...
18 Feb 20
A UK territory is one of four jurisdictions that has been added to the EU’s tax blacklist, after failing to implement reforms by an agreed deadline.
14 Feb 20
OECD proposals to shake-up the global corporation tax system do not adequately address the problem of tax avoidance by multinational businesses, a campaign group has warned.
7 Jan 20
Ireland’s highest ever corporation tax yield has been welcomed by its finance minister, but he warned that an over-reliance on one revenue source must be avoided.
2 Dec 19
Campaigners have called out the ‘silicon six’ internet and tech companies for not paying what they estimate is more than $100.2bn of corporation tax since 2010.
27 Nov 19
The international community has had “unprecedented success” fighting offshore tax evasion in the last 10 years, the OECD has said.
25 Sep 19
Developing countries have made half a billion dollars more from taxing multinational companies, thanks to a joint initiative from the OECD and United Nations Development Programme.
12 Aug 19
New Zealand and Switzerland have made a deal they hope will make it harder for multinational companies to dodge paying tax.
2 Jul 19
Latin American and Caribbean countries must bolster their capacity to mobilise public revenues by strengthening tax collection if they are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
11 Jun 19
The world’s leading economies are edging closer towards a consensus on reforming the global tax system to ensure that multinational corporations pay their fair share.
2 Jan 19
European Union members will step up the fight against corporate tax avoidance this year as rules to close loopholes in the system come into force.
5 Nov 18
European governments are still making it too easy for multinational corporations to avoid paying corporation tax, campaigners have warned.
18 Sep 18
Four of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies could be avoiding paying about $3.8bn in corporate tax, Oxfam has warned.
15 Jun 18
Ireland has been dubbed the biggest tax haven in the world in a study that claims that foreign multinationals shifted €90bn of corporate profits to the country in 2015.
2 May 18
The UK government has finally backed plans to crackdown on ‘dirty money’ and make tax havens more transparent.
20 Mar 18
More than 110 countries and jurisdictions have agreed to come up with a plan on how to tax the digital economy by 2020, the OECD has said.
25 Jan 18
The European Union has officially removed eight countries from its blacklist for tax havens, leaving the list to just nine jurisdictions outside the bloc.