28 Sep 22
European Union countries should ensure their citizens are guaranteed a sufficient ‘minimum income’ to live in “dignity at all stages of life”, according to the bloc’s executive arm – but officials...
12 Nov 21
South Africa’s finance minister has signalled that he will not boost welfare spending in next year’s budget despite recognising the part inequality played in devastating riots several months ago.
27 May 21
Russia’s aim to halve poverty by 2030 would be easier and more cost-effective if it introduced a guaranteed minimum income programme rather than expand its existing social safety net, the World Bank...
30 Apr 21
The rate at which wages are taxed effectively fell last year by the largest amount since the global financial crisis, according to the OECD.
2 Nov 20
An additional three million people are to benefit from Brazil’s basic income scheme after the World Bank approved $1bn to expand the programme to better support people affected by the pandemic.
16 Oct 20
Less than half the population in Asia Pacific is covered by government social protection schemes, leaving many vulnerable to poor health, poverty and social exclusion – despite the region’s rapid...
29 Sep 20
Social assistance to poor and vulnerable families will help the economy weather the Covid-19 storm, the Philippines has been told.
7 Sep 20
Sweden plans to invest billions of kronor in healthcare and help for the elderly, along with giving local governments large cash boosts, as the country recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic.
7 Apr 20
Millions of job losses resulting from the coronavirus pandemic are putting governments around the world under huge financial pressure to meet unemployment payments.
23 Oct 19
The IMF’s Frederic Lambert explains how social spending in Mexico has been effective in alleviating poverty and containing income inequality.
25 Jun 19
Denmark has been praised by the IMF for the consistently strong performance of an economy that prizes social inclusion.
8 Feb 19
Almost two thirds of children around the world lack access to public services and cash benefits, leading to a “vicious cycle of poverty”, the United Nations has warned.
5 Jun 17
Governments should move towards a more “empowering” role to combat the negative by-products of globalisation, according to the OECD.
30 May 17
Moving to a system of universal basic income would produce more winners than losers among low-income groups but prove ineffective in reducing poverty, the OECD has found.
8 May 17
A universal basic income can increase efficiency and accountability in the public finances of developing countries, experts have argued at a debate held at a UK-based think-tank.
20 Mar 17
A crisis over how to pay $862.5m per month in benefits relied upon by 17 million people in South Africa has been averted by the country’s constitutional court.
20 Jan 17
Incoming US president Donald Trump is reportedly eyeing $10tn worth of cuts to government spending over the next decade.
4 Jan 17
Finland has begun delivering unconditional payments to unemployed citizens to test whether providing a universal basic income can help boost employment.
3 Jan 17
Some of Nigeria’s poorest citizens have received the first round of monthly 5,000 naira ($16) payments intended to help alleviate severe poverty in the country.
12 Dec 16
Governments should focus spending on mental health and wellbeing, researchers have argued, after a study found these are more closely linked to happiness than financial problems or poverty.
12 Dec 16
Brazil’s planned 20-year government spending freeze will breach citizens’ human rights, a United Nations expert has concluded.
9 Dec 16
A UK think-tank is calling on the Bangladesh government to spend more on education and welfare after finding that young children from the country’s slums are working for over 60 hours per week,...
3 Nov 16
Egypt has liberalised its exchange rate and devalued its currency by almost 50% in a bid to secure a $12bn International Monetary Fund loan to rescue the country from economy from crisis.
3 Oct 16
Thousands of Indian tax evaders have come clean over hidden income and assets worth around $9.8bn under a government amnesty initiative.
30 Sep 16
Brazil should pursue tougher austerity policies to bridge its substantial fiscal gap and pull its economy out of a painful recession, according to the International Monetary Fund.