3 May 17
Strong, proactive fiscal governance is critical to securing development gains in Asia-Pacific, the United Nations body dedicated to the region has said.
2 May 17
Tanzania’s president has sacked almost 1,000 civil servants and ordered their salaries for April to be withheld with immediate effect after they were found to have forged school and university...
2 May 17
The fourth African Congress of Accountants (ACOA) opened in Kampala, Uganda today, with a focus on transforming Africa’s economies through improved accountancy and accountability.
2 May 17
Greek bailout officials have reached a deal on future austerity measures in the country, including pension and tax cuts and ending six months of wrangling.
2 May 17
Mozambique is to benefit from $1.7bn in World Bank funds until 2021 under a new programme that will initially concentrate on tackling the consequences of the country’s hidden borrowing.
28 Apr 17
New Zealand plans to cut its net public debt to as low as 10% of GDP by 2025, finance minister Steven Joyce has announced.
27 Apr 17
The US government has unveiled sweeping tax cuts described as “reckless” by opponents, who estimate the plan could cost as much as $7tn over 10 years.
25 Apr 17
The European Commission confirmed Greece’s target-busting primary surplus yesterday, putting it even higher than Greek official statistics.
24 Apr 17
The king of Saudi Arabia has reinstated generous benefits for civil servants by royal decree to allay potential discontent in the country.
21 Apr 17
Greece has today reported a 2016 primary surplus almost eight times higher than its bailout target, but the International Monetary Fund remains sceptical of the country’s success.
21 Apr 17
US president Donald Trump’s plans to cut taxes could drive the country’s debt up by more than 11% of GDP by 2022, according to the International Monetary Fund.
19 Apr 17
A UK think-tank has urged Ghana to invest in greater economic diversity to make the most of a recent $2.2bn bond sale – the biggest single-day debt issue by a sub-Saharan African government.
13 Apr 17
Ensuring sound government finances should be a priority for developing countries in East Asia and the Pacific, the World Bank has said.
12 Apr 17
Italy has approved €3.4bn worth of emergency cuts, yielding to a European Commission demand that it do more on its deficit or face sanctions.
11 Apr 17
More taxes, better monitoring and more transparent spending will be needed in Qatar to offset the impact of a price slump on the country’s commodity-reliant economy, according to the International...
7 Apr 17
Greece and its creditors have chipped away at a deadlock over the next phase of its €86bn bailout deal, reaching an agreement on the “overarching issues”.
6 Apr 17
Ukraine could be on track to receive a total of $5.5bn from the International Monetary Fund this year if the country presses ahead with anti-corruption and pension reforms.
6 Apr 17
Pakistan will not meet its deficit target in 2017, the government has admitted, as the International Monetary Fund warned more tax increases and spending cuts will be needed to maintain progress.
5 Apr 17
Progress is being made with European Union member state’s partnership spending plans, but performance measures are too complex, auditors have concluded.
4 Apr 17
“Appalling” behaviour by UK aid contractors is facilitated by a hands-off approach to procurement by the country’s aid department, Britain’s parliamentary aid watchdog has concluded.
4 Apr 17
Almost all Caribbean nations have adopted IPSAS or are in the process of doing so, according to a recent study.
3 Apr 17
Nigeria’s economy is heading for a bleak 2017 unless the country’s government pursues revenue growth and policy changes, the International Monetary Fund has said.
3 Apr 17
Demonstrations demanding the ousting of South African president Jacob Zuma are expected to kick off across the country today.
30 Mar 17
Nigeria raised $500m via a eurobond issue yesterday, the proceeds of which will fund the country’s substantial infrastructure spending plans.
28 Mar 17
European Union aid for Tunisia was overambitious and too lax, according to the European Court of Auditors.