6 Oct 15
Read the Autumn 2015 edition of PFI Magazine, featuring interviews with the World Bank’s Arunma Oteh and newly appointed IPSASB chair Ian Carruthers, plus a cover feature examining the finances of...
6 Oct 15
Less than 10% of the world’s population will be living in extreme poverty this year, the World Bank has said, but there is still “great concern” about the number concentrated in sub...
2 Oct 15
Governments and public sector leaders need to starting viewing digital security as an economic threat rather than a technical issue, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has...
2 Oct 15
UK Prime Minister David Cameron has pledged £300m to invest in roads, bridges and ports to help drive economic growth and development across the Caribbean.
1 Oct 15
African countries urgently need to expand the revenue they raise from taxes. How can this be done in a sustainable way, without reliance on depleting natural resources?
1 Oct 15
Eight African countries are to share in a $428m funding investment to improve their energy, transport and water networks.
30 Sep 15
Vietnam needs to build on its agricultural policy achievements in order to boost its economic growth, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has said.
29 Sep 15
Palestine has the capacity to put its public finances on a more sustainable footing, despite three years of continually weak economic growth, the World Bank has said.
29 Sep 15
British international development secretary Justine Greening has announced that £16m of UK aid money will go to the World Bank Trust Fund for capacity building in the area of data collection...
29 Sep 15
Global leaders have agreed that they will continue to work together to propel Africa to new levels of energy sufficiency, the African Development Bank has said.
29 Sep 15
The US and China have struck a co-operation deal on development issues.
28 Sep 15
The Asian Development Bank is to double its annual climate change financing to $6bn by 2020, president Takehiko Nakao has said.
28 Sep 15
Yemen is on the brink of famine, British international development secretary Justine Greening has warned, calling on other countries to also step up after the UK committed £20m in...
28 Sep 15
The United Nations’ 193 member states have signed off the next set of global development goals, which aim to end extreme poverty and hunger by 2030.
28 Sep 15
Money spent by the European Union on programmes to eliminate torture and the death penalty throughout the world are not well targeted and have limited scope because funding is thinly spread, the...
25 Sep 15
The German government is to pay each federal state €670 a month for each refugee in their area under a deal confirmed on Thursday.
25 Sep 15
“Massive and transformational” universal health coverage programmes are reducing the number of people impoverished by paying for the health care, a World Bank report has found.
24 Sep 15
A round-up of recent public finance stories from the Middle East & Africa you might have missed.
24 Sep 15
The UK has pledged a further £115m in emergency funding in response to the migration crisis in Europe, Prime Minister David Cameron has announced.
24 Sep 15
This story has been published in error and has been removed.
22 Sep 15
Rachid Benmessaoud, a former World Bank country director for Pakistan, has been appointed by the bank to support Nigeria’s development priorities, including education and public spending.
22 Sep 15
The new Sustainable Development Goals set out to end poverty, boost growth and tackle climate change across the globe over the next 15 years. It’s a massive a challenge that will require a new...
22 Sep 15
OECD secretary-general Angel Gurria today told European leaders to step up the continent’s response to the refugee crisis in order to make sure countries emerge stronger economically, socially...
21 Sep 15
The UK government has announced an agreement to supply resources and expertise to the UN’s refugee agency to speed up resettlement of Syrian refugees.
21 Sep 15
The presidents of the Asian Development Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank have met to identify projects where it may be possible for the institutions to agree co-financing.